
Who am I?

I'm a 19-year-old studying to become an engineer, but I also aspire to start my own company in the future. I'm a bit of a polymath - I have a lot of interests - but my main interests are graphic design, programming, web design, video creation, drawing, electronics, cooking, baking, fitness, reading, gaming, and economy.

From the perspective of a client, my broad interest range might be benefitial, as I can easily understand not only the client easierly, but also their customer group. This allows me to create a relatable and intuitive experience for the end user. On top of this, I think I learn easily, and can read up about most subjects in preparation for projects.


The programs I frequently use

I've been doing web design since mid 2019, so almost three years. I've gotten pretty far since then, but you can visit some of my old projects in the web design archive! I use Visual Studio Code and Brackets for my coding, Namecheap for domains, and Netlify for hosting. I also have a lot of experience with the note-taking program Notion, which can also be used as a website creator even if I have never tried doing so.

Other than web design, I've been doing graphic design since I was 11, which I have to thank my dad and a past friend for. Back then I started with Photoshop Elements, but these days I use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign along with some other products like Krita, SAI Paint Tool and Affinity Photo to design, create, and illustrate. I can also use Autodesk Fusion 360 and Figma at a basic level

I've also done video and audio editing a lot in the past and have about 7 years on and off experience there as well. I have 3 years experience with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects, two very popular editing programs. I've also used Sony Vegas in the past, but I prefer not using it. As for audio, I have 6 years of experience with Audacity, a simple audio editor, and some minor experience with Adobe Audition.

I've also gone through entreprenuer and marketing courses through school and on my own, which might be of use.

I'm currently open to commisions. Prices and timeframes/deadlines can be discussed in further e-mail contact, as I have yet to draw up a clear cost framework. I try to offer prices that are competetive or cheaper in comparison to other designers, as I don't currently live off of this income.

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Frequently asked questions - FAQ

What is the purpose of this website?

My projects are gathered here for purposes of archiving, advertising as well as for others to study. I share these projects with the intent that you're able to study them, not blatantly copy them for your own use.

Why "Embracket"?

Wide Embracket logo, by Embracket

Embracket is a combination of embrace and bracket. Embrace, since I try many new things, and bracket, since I not only started making websites with the since retired (now revived) Brackets program, but also because brackets are a large part of web design. Just like HTML and CSS, the logo contains angle brackets and square brackets. The extra notches on the square brackets symbolize an E and an M, just like the HTML element "em", which in itself means emphasis.

How fast can you deliver a website?

It depends on the order, but a 3-4 page website can take around 2-3 weeks. A large part of that time is used to create basic layouts and designs and therefore adding more pages after the initial ones wont take as much time.

How much does a website cost?

It depends on what kind of site you are building and unfortunately for this question I can't give more specific guidelines. Generally, the larger the website, the larger the cost. Furthermore, it also depends on how many aspects you want me to work on. If you, for example, need help with domain forwarding and hosting, or continued maintanence, that might cost more. Please contact me and we'll discuss it further from there.

What other services do you offer?

Other than web design, I offer graphic design (logos, banners, marketing content, and more), programming (in JavaScript, Python, and C#), and maybe also video and audio editing. For these services, I recommend that you contact me as well.

How is this site run and maintained?

This site is hosted through Netlify, for free, using a domain I bought on Namecheap. I update it regularly using Visual Studio Code and Brackets.